
Screening and Discussion: „Understanding the Umbrella Movement“

After Beijing decided in 2014 that candidates for the Hong Kong Administrative Region would be appointed by a nominating committee, protests broke out that lasted for 79 days. Four years later, Evans Chan, film director from Hongkong has been invited by Berlin international literaturfestival to present his documentary „Raise The Umbrellas“.

On this occasion we would like to invite you to participate to a special screening and talk
session with Evans Chan

„Understanding the Umbrella Movement“
What impact does the Umbrella Movement have on Hongkong, what influence on the entire region, especially on Taiwan?

After Beijing decided in 2014 that candidates for the Hong Kong Administrative Region would be appointed by a nominating committee, protests broke out that lasted for 79 days. Four years later, Evans Chan, film director from Hongkong has been invited by Berlin inter-national literaturfestival to present his documentary „Raise The Umbrellas“.

On this occasion we would like to invite you to participate to a special screening and talk
session with Evans Chan

„Understanding the Umbrella Movement“
What impact does the Umbrella Movement have on Hongkong, what influence on the entire region, especially on Taiwan?

15th of September 2018
5.00 – 8.30 pm
Taiwan Kultursaal, Markgrafenstr. 35 in 10117 Berlin
We cordially invite you to register by mail until 12th of September 2018.

Vor vier Jahren fand in Hongkong die Regenschirmbewegung statt – eine Protestbewegung, die in erster Linie die Durchführung freier Wahlen einforderte.

Der Dokumentarfilm „Raising The Umbrellas“ des Hongkonger Regisseurs Evans Chan zeigt eindrucksvoll Zusammenhänge und Dynamik der fast drei Monate andauernden Protestaktionen.

Der Film wird auf dem diesjährigen internationalen literaturfestivals berlin (ilb) gezeigt.

Aus diesem Anlass hat sich kurzfristig die Möglichkeit ergeben, Evans Chan zu einer Filmvorführung mit anschließendem Filmgespräch in die Taipeh Vertretung einzuladen.

Gäste sind herzlich willkommen. Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis zum 12. September 2018 unter

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